ČTPEZ – Czech technology platform for organic farming

Open innovation arrangement

Czech republic
Website: https://www.ctpez.cz/en/
Contact Person: Jan Moudrý, jmoudry@zf.jcu.cz

Vision & Objectives

  • Support of the sustainable agriculture, improve communication and cooperation between stakeholders in organic farming.


  • Gathering results of ongoing projects and transferring the results to practical use and education.
  • Promotion of organic research, PR and response to adverse PR attacks on OF and organic food in the media.
  • Lobbying for complex large-scale national research projects

Production sector

  • Arable farming
  • Horticulture (vegetable, ornamental, fruit)
  • Apiculture
  • Animal husbandry
  • Mixed farming
  • Grassland management
  • Forest management
  • Food supply chain
  • Aquaculture