National Contact Point

Ministry of Agriculture
Department for Agricultural Research and Agri-Environmental Management

Ministry of Agriculture
Department for Agricultural Research and Agri-Environmental Management

Ministry of Agriculture
Deputy State Secretary

The BIOEAST Initiative’s National Contact Point (NCP) is the Ministry of Agriculture. One of the NCP’s main roles at national level is to interact and coordinate the national views with other bioeconomy related ministries.


The Department of Agriculture Research is responsible for the operation of the research, development and innovation (R&D&I) area. The Department carries out its activities under the direction of the Deputy Secretary of State for Agricultural Economy.
Establishment of strategic cooperation; Providing professional support to the formation of EIP-AGRI Operational groups; Compilation of white papers; Compilation of analyzes; Assessment of R&D&I sectoral needs and focus areas; Preparation of government and ministerial-level management decisions. The tasks of the Department include the professional supervision of the Ministry’s research institutes and the development and management of the national and international contact systems in the agricultural R&D&I area. Moreover, the task is to identify and analyze strategic focus areas for Hungarian agricultural R&D&I in the context of the bioeconomy. Further aim of the Department is to strengthen transnational scientific and political cooperation in the Central and Eastern European macro-region, in order to increase the macro region’s competitiveness of agriculture in the bioeconomy and to increase the regional and international visibility of the organisations operating in this field.

Relevant details regarding the bioeconomy

JRC Bioeconomy KC –
BBI JU Country Fact Sheets –

Nation bioeconomy hub of Hungary is available at the following link

In Hungary there is no National BIOEAST Hub which is coordinated by the Ministry, but for the bioeconomy interest Hungarian Bioeconomy Cluster was established by a Research Institution. In order to improve its members business efficiency, coordinate their activities as well as to represent their professional interests with regard to the establishment and constant development of the bioeconomy in Hungary, Hungarian Bioeconomy Cluster was founded in June of 2019.

The objectives of the cluster are to facilitate the development and long-term maintenance of Hungary’s bioeconomy (i.e., biomass-based business processes and the related innovative, strategic, social, educational and financial environment), by carrying out the activities below:

  • Develop an innovative, knowledge-based economy;
  • Ensure sustainable development;
  • Enhance the professional cooperation of business players and research institutes;
  • Conduct utilization-focused R&D&I activities;
  • Provide market presence at cluster level;
  • Create cluster-level service portfolio by integrating the members’ individual or joint services, which may provide a new market opportunity for the members;
  • Increase awareness in the society.

The establishment of the organization in a cluster form is justified by the fact that cluster membership offers explicit economic benefits and tendering opportunities for cooperating organizations in the framework of Hungarian and directly accessible EU funds.

For more information about the cluster, click (Here).

Related bioeconomy projects

CELEBio – project aims at strengthening the enabling environment for bio-based businesses in eight countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
POWER4BIO – emPOWERing regional stakeholders for realising the full potential of european BIOeconomy