

The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG-PIB) is the largest and the oldest research-development centre in Poland, conducting agricultural studies under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The scope of IUNG-PIB activities is directed both to scientific research and to elaboration and modelling of cropping systems and decision support systems elaborations for farmers and policy makers. The broad range of activities comprises crop production, soil science and fertilization, as well as recognition and protection of agricultural areas against various forms of degradation. Ongoing works in the IUNG-PIB are carried out in response to the needs to support CAP environmental measures development in Poland. Experts from the institute have took part in the elaboration of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Rural Areas and Agriculture in Poland and Polish National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in agricultural sector, currently being implemented.

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The Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute (IERiGZ-PIB) is a Polish independent scientific and research organisation with nearly 70 years of achievements and experiences in analysing rural economy, particularly agricultural and food markets, as well as economic and social changes in rural areas. IERiGZ-PIB plays a key role in the process of programming and evaluating rural policy in Poland. The research fields of the IERIGŻ-PIB comprise also a multidimensional assessment of the public policy impacts on agri-food sector and rural population. The staff consisting of over 80 scientific and technical specialist has an expert knowledge and a rich experience in carrying out analyses and evaluations of public policy initiatives and instruments concerning agricultural and rural socio-economic development.

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD PL) is responsible for rural and farm policies supporting the development of modern agriculture and rural areas. Its mission is to provide a framework for the development of the Polish agricultural, agro-food sectors, sustainable development of rural areas, food safety and quality as well as improvement of work and living conditions of rural communities while respecting their cultural tradition and taking advantage of science, knowledge transfer as well as opportunities arising from being a member of the European Union and the global economy.

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The Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture (HuMA) is responsible among others for the following horizontal activities: protection of the environment, aquaculture, forestry, agricultural economy and food industry. The Department for Knowledge-driven Agriculture (participating organization of present project) serves as the unit in charge of agricultural research and innovation under the direction of the state secretary for agriculture. This secretariat prepares the legislation background for agroeconomic operations and agricultural activities, including the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, state aids, research and development activities, agricultural modernization, market organization, water management and commercial policy.

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Agriculture Research, Ltd. ( is the only organisation in the Czech Republic that provides laboratory breeding of a species-original pollinator, the award-winning Czech Bumblebee. Agriculture Research, Ltd (ART) has a unique breeding program of minor crops and is also involved in research of mycotoxins in curry. ART is actively involved in numerous research projects (H2020, EUREKA, ERDF) concerning innovation in bioeconomy – new breeding technology, new technologies of combustion, new, desirable and environmentally acceptable management systems, harmful factors protection, landscape revitalization. ART has established an expert team of technology transfer and has been involved in a great variety of technological transfer projects with both industrial partners and farmers since then. ART experts act as innovation brokers, ART cooperates with the CZECH SEED TRADE ASSOCIATION and is an active member of the Czech Technology Platform of Biotechnologies ( and Association of Research Organisation ( ART also acts as an independent expert organization providing consultancy in the area of innovation management, R&D management and evaluation, and it often cooperates with the Ministry of Agriculture, Czech Academy of Agriculture Science ( and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and also the National Government Council of Research.

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Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft. (AKI)

The Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) is the most significant centre of agricultural economics research in Hungary. AKI collects and analyses information, performs research and distributes the results obtained through its publications. The Institute, as a successor to a number of legal predecessors, has been providing services to Hungarian agriculture and the rural sector since 1954. The Institute has staff of approximately 110 people, of which one third carries out research while the remainder are engaged in management and analysis of information. Data acquisition, data processing and prompt collection of information allow the Institute to carry out a wide range of research activities. Through these activities AKI assists the practical work of the Hungarian government and provides scientific support to agricultural policy makers; at the same time, it aims to make its results available to the stakeholders in agriculture.

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The Agricultural Academy (AA) is a Bulgarian organization for scientific, scientific-applied, service and support activities in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry and food production. The Academy operates within the guidelines set by the National Agricultural Policy and according to the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.

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The Estonian University of Life Sciences is the only Institution of Higher learning in Estonia whose priorities in academic and research activities provide the sustainable development of natural resources necessary for the existence of Man as well as the preservation of heritage and habitat. The university’s mission is to create and transfer the knowledge for the development of bioeconomy.

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Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LLU) is an independent State non-profit organisation under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture. LLU carries out research activities and provide higher education services. LLU is the only university in Latvia with specialisation in agriculture, veterinary, forestry, food processing, wood processing, environmental engineering, landscape planning and related socio-economic issues. LLU vision statement: sustainable use of natural resources aimed at the enhancement of quality of life for society.

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Riga Technical University (RTU), is a derived public person and a state-owned university. The project partners will be RTU department Institute of energy Systems and Environment (RTU IESE). The main scope of RTU IESE is related to provision of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral study programmes, and scientific research in the field of environmental science and management. The main research areas of the institute are demand side management, bioeconomy, environmental policy modelling, energy efficiency, renewable energy (production and use) and its environmental and climate aspects, combustion technologies, climate technology solutions, eco-design, life cycle assessment, energy planning, socioeconomical aspects of energy supply, sustainable use of resources according to bioeconomy principles.

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Since the 1st of January 2019 Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU) is integrating “in corpore” including all academic units with Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) and will be acting as Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University (AAVMU). Agriculture Academy of VMU holds a unique position among universities in Lithuania in that all its education and research activities are focused on the fields of food sciences, agriculture, forestry, water and land resources management, bioenergy and mechanical engineering, climate change and sustainable use of natural resources.

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic (MARD SR) is the central body of state administration with responsibility for the development and implementation of state policies relating to agriculture, forestry, land consolidation and protection of agricultural land, Irrigation and drainage systems, veterinary control, veterinary inspection and veterinary supervision, plant health care, breeding supervision, fishery and aquaculture, hunting, food and food supervision, wood processing including biotechnology as well as rural development.

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In this project, the University of Ljubljana (UL) will be represented by the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana (UL BF). UL BF is the leading national higher education and research institution in the domain of applied life sciences. Its graduate and postgraduate programmes, as well as research, technical and consulting work concern the sciences of living nature (biology, microbiology) as well as agriculture, forestry and fisheries (forestry, animal husbandry, agronomy) and the related production technologies (wood technology, food technology, biotechnology), thus covering virtually all relevant aspects of bioeconomy.

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Slovenian agricultural policy promotes sustainable development, cost-effectiveness and competitiveness of agriculture in Slovenia, fostering socially responsible and environmentally friendly practices. The focus is on providing food security by ensuring the stable production of safe and easily accessible high-quality food, while maintaining a clean environment and fertile soil and promoting coherent development and settlement of rural areas. Additionally, support is given for promoting technological innovation and applying new insights to modernise agricultural practice. Another area of focus is the sustainable development of forests, which are essential to the Slovenian natural and cultural heritage and landscape.

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The Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) serves both as a research organization and a national government agency, a public body but project- and market-oriented. There are 90 dedicated staff employees distributed among 6 departments, where one is fully focused on renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. EIHP has a strategic goal to become a regional centre of excellence in the field of energy planning and renewable energy sources. It is a stakeholder in undergoing processes of energy market reform, restructuring, privatization and opening up of the energy market in Croatia and beyond. The Institute aims to develop sustainable energy systems where fossil and renewable energies complement each other. In the context of developing a responsible and sustainable energy industry, EIHP is well connected with public, private and civil sectors. Over the past twenty years the Institute has supported national and regional governments in policy and institutional capacity development. It has also been supporting governments, municipalities and private entrepreneurs as well as energy utility companies in technical, environmental, social and financial assessment and development of energy projects, including energy facilities relying on non-renewable and renewable energy, as well as energy efficiency projects.

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Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is Finland’s second largest governmental research institute, performing non-profit research and providing expert services, in order to advance the bioeconomy and the sustainable use of natural resources. Luke operates under the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry and was formed in 2015 from a merger of MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla), Finnish Game & Fisheries Research Institute (RKTL) and the ministry’s Information Centre (Tike). Luke’s research is divided into four broad, multidisciplinary programmes: Boreal Green Bioeconomy, Blue Bioeconomy, Innovative Food System and BioSociety. These research programmes, developed together with end-users, aim to create new bio-based products and business opportunities, increase productivity by digitalisation, support regional vitality through the circular economy, create well-being from immaterial values, and support the profitability of healthy food production. Luke is also responsible for statutory and expert services, indicated via legislation or ministries, including estimation of predator, game and fish populations, maintenance of the forest inventory, conservation of genetic resources, plant and crop production, bioeconomy forecasting, and consulting and providing solutions to industrial clients.

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The FNR was founded in 1993 as a government initiative intended to support research, development and demonstration projects in the area of renewable resources. As a project management organisation of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), FNR runs BMEL’s funding program “Renewable Resources”. FNR also manages the Forest Climate Fund for the Adaptation of Forests to Climate Change supported by BMEL and the Federal Ministry for Environment (BMU). Tasks of the FNR include promotion of research, development and demonstration in the non-food area of bioeconomy. FNR also funds projects which intent to engage in societal dialogue on bio-based products. It aims toincrease public awareness and acceptance on bio-based processes, products and bioenergy. This includes measures to influence consumer behaviour and the inclusion of bio-based products in public procurement. Information and public relations on the topics of forest and wood are combined in the FNR department “Competence and Information Centre Forest and Wood” (KIWUH). On EU level FNR participate in H2020, BBI JU, FP7, IEE as well as in different Interreg programmes including the Baltic Sea Region, North-West Europe, South Baltic, Central Europe and Danube. Furthermore, FNR is and was part of various ERA-Nets related to the bioeconomy. During the last 10 years, FNR coordinated or was partner in 50 European projects, the vast majority CSA. Through the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture FNR is also actively contributing to the processes related to the programme development of European bioeconomy research and participates in various expert groups on European and International level. As the central coordinating agency in the area of renewable resources in Germany, FNR is most interested to exchange information with different actors from Research and Development, R&D-funding, public administration and policy. To improve transnational cooperation and to stay at the forefront of developments ...

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The Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania, is involved in basic and applied research and development activities in the following fields: agricultural economics, agri-food economics, rural economy and sociology, agro-marketing, governmental action management, at sectoral and territorial level. The main research directions focus on: prospective evaluations of the place and role of the agri-food sector in national economy; determinants of the agri-food supply and demand; dynamics of the socio-economic transformations in the rural area and the implementation of institutional patterns necessary for the dissemination of the social innovation practices; assessment of CAP adoption impact in Romania’s agriculture. IEA has a leading position in agricultural policy research projects at national level, and also has contributions as partner to international projects (WB, FAO, EU).

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The European Rural Development Network (ERDN) is an international research association (NGO) based in Poland. Established in 2002, the Network is meant to encompass the leading research centres and stimulate their joint works on the state and paths of transformation of rural areas in Europe, and in particular in its central, eastern and south-eastern countries. Activities of the Network are parallel to the Community’s idea of building the European Research Area for agriculture and rural development. The involvement of institutions, but mostly all of its individual experts from EU and Non-EU CEECs, makes it – apart from a research network – a forum for knowledge and information exchange based on mutual friendship, trust and goodwill. This decides on the unique character of the ERDN, where informal ties (social capital) and commitment of a group of people from various countries is the value added of the strictly scientific work. It is our achievement that we are proud of.

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Europa Media is an independent, non-profit SME active in European Union affairs, in particular in EU research and innovation policies, programmes and projects. Over the past 17 years, Europa Media has actively participated in EU-funded research and innovation projects as coordinator or partner in a broad range of fields including international research cooperation, lifelong learning, entrepreneurship, knowledge-based bio-economy, health, environment, and information and communication technologies (ICT). In these projects, our team has undertaken various roles including promoting coordination and exploitation of research and innovation results, implementing novel dissemination and communication actions, development and deployment of web-based platforms and designing and delivering innovative training and capacity building programmes.

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Quadro Synergy Ltd. is a consultancy company specialized in EU projects setting-up and management, R&D projects for research institutes and universities, business development and investment projects for SMEs and large enterprises, business modelling and business plans, strategic planning and regional development. The company was created with the mission to reinforce the collaboration within the quadruple helix in Bulgaria and Central and Eastern Europe and contribute to a more dynamic and efficient transfer of knowledge and innovation. The company works for promoting innovation in the European economy, trans-national and cross-border collaboration, transfer of new and advanced technologies and know-how.

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