On Sustainable Supply Chains and Strengthened Local Processing of Bioresources in Central and Eastern Europe

What is the Stakeholder Manifesto?

An emerging call for sustainable transition is echoing across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), as the BIOEAST Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) launch a pioneering initiative. The Stakeholder Manifesto on “Sustainable supply chains and strengthened local processing of bioresources in Central and Eastern Europe” has been unveiled, spearheaded by dedicated TWG members committed to catalyze change. Recognizing the macro-region’s valuable natural assets, such as fertile soils, freshwater resources and renewable biomass, the Manifesto stresses the need for enhancing local knowledge on environmentally friendly technologies. It emphasizes the importance of involving stakeholders from the CEE macro-region in the deployment of research, innovation, and sustainable solutions to achieve Europe’s transition towards a circular and sustainable future. Therefore, it calls for increased public investment in joint research and innovation partnership to unlock the region’s potential, aiming to produce renewable biological resources and convert them sustainably into value-added products. The Manifesto urges decision-makers to prioritize the nexus of soil, freshwater, food systems, and biomanufacturing to shape a sustainable future for the macro-region.

The message is clear: Europe’s journey toward a sustainable and circular future on healthy soils, freshwater, food system security and modern biomanufacturing demands collective effort. The TWGs are calling for signatures from individuals and organizations, both within our macro-region and beyond. It’s a call to action for all who believe in the transformative power of sustainability. Whether from Central and Eastern Europe or elsewhere in the Europe, every voice matter.

The time to act is now. Sign the manifesto and join us in shaping a brighter, greener future for all.

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We, as representatives from both large and small companies, NGOs, biomass producers, regions, research institutes and academia across the Central and Eastern European (CEE) macro-region, encompassing several EU Member States, the Western Balkans, and Eastern Partnership Countries—in particular Ukraine and Moldova—gather under the auspices of the BIOEAST Initiative to present this Manifesto.

Together, we firmly believe that Europe’s successful transition towards a sustainable and circular future hinges upon the better involvement of stakeholders from our macroregion into research and innovation, as well as the deployment of sustainable solutions, technologies, and manufacturing processes. Therefore, a concerted effort led by a European initiative must channel advancements in research, innovation, and knowledge towards our region.

We recognize that we stand at a pivotal moment in human history, facing the urgent challenge of striking a balance between global boundaries and growing societal needs. We are steadfast in our conviction that Europe must take a leading role in this transition to sustainability and stability by leveraging its own abundant natural resources and ecosystem services. By reducing our dependence on external inputs, we can stride towards greater strategic autonomy while reshaping global supply chains to pave the way for a sustainable future. Central and Eastern Europe possesses valuable assets, such as fertile soils, abundant freshwater resources, renewable biomass, and vibrant rural communities, which can significantly contribute to these efforts. Therefor, enhancing local knowledge on modern, environmentally benign technologies is essential for unlocking this immense potential. We advocate for increased and targeted public investment in joint research and innovation, and knowledge transfer, with a focus on the aforementioned areas, which hold high relevance for our macro-region.

The advancement of bioeconomy research and innovation is imperative for Central and Eastern Europe. It will enable us to better manage our natural resources and tap into new, competitive, and diversified markets within food systems and bio-based products. Specifically, we aim to enhance the production of renewable biological resources and convert these resources, residues, by-products, and side streams into value-added products, including food, feed, fiber, advanced bio-based products, services, and bioenergy in a sustainable way.

We call on decision-makers to prioritize the soil – freshwater – food systems – biomanufacturing nexus and recognize its pivotal role in shaping our sustainable future.

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