Bioeconomy Policy Framework
The development of bioeconomy in Estonia is divided between the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, the Ministries of Climate, Education and Research and Economic Affairs and Communications. The activities of the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture aim to increase the efficient and sustainable use and valorization of bioresources in agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, and the food industry. In Estonia, sectors related to the bioeconomy contribute approximately 13% to the economy’s added value and account for 17% of exports (around 2 billion euros), while also providing employment for 12% of the workforce (as of 2019).
Current bioeconomy strategies and development trends
The circular bioeconomy roadmap defines the broad fields of activities for the development of the circular bioeconomy in Estonia and the activities necessary for its development in the short term (2023–2027) and in the long term (until 2035). In addition, subsidy investments aimed at expanding the processing capacity of bioresources and enhancing the valorization of residues, waste, and by-products of biological origin.