Bioeconomy Policy Framework
Development of bioeconomy in Slovakia depends on the cooperation of three ministries responsible for different parts of bioeconomy: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – agriculture, food, forestry, wood processing, hunting, aquaculture, Ministry of Economy – industry, power engineering, heat and gas manufacture, trade, policies related to the creation and support of business environment, Ministry of Environment – environmental policy, waste management, environmental impact assessment. The involvement of other two organizations responsible for the creation and coordination of research and innovation policies and state´s support for research and development on national level is also crucial – Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth and Research and Innovation Authority.
Current bioeconomy strategies and development trends
Several strategic documents at national level create the framework for green and circular economy and also broader framework for sustainable circular bioeconomy – e.g. Economic Policy Strategy 2030, Low-carbon Strategy 2030, Envirostrategy 2030, etc. Sustainable Bioeconomy or Circular Bioeconomy theme is included (directly or indirectly) in RIS3 Strategy 2021+, Roadmap to Circular Economy (food and biowaste waste value chain), CAP Strategic Plan, National Forestry Program of the Slovak Republic for the period 2025-2030 “Forests for Society”, Roadmap to Circular Bioeconomy (currently in the preparation stage).