TWG Agroecology and sustainable yields

Coordinated by Research Institute of Organic Agriculture and Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary

Contact Valéria Csonka  


The TWG on Agroecology and Sustainable Yields is coordinated jointly by the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture (HuMA) and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi). The mission of the working group is to set research and innovation objectives, priorities and needs, in order to support sustainable agricultural ambitions within the bioeconomy of the macro-region in a single strategic document as part of the macro-regional SRIA. This is ensured by close cooperation between the BIOEAST member states and delegates of each country, who are coordinating the work at national level to provide validated national inputs from a broad range of local stakeholder groups. The TWG acts as a consultative body where Member States representatives have the opportunity to be informed about the future research and innovation priorities and funding schemes of the next Horizon Europe Framework program, with specific regard to soil, agroecology and sustainable intensification of production.

The TWG also provides an opportunity for representatives to express their views and engage in dialogue with each other in order to develop common positions on their regional priorities.

The thematic SRIA summarises the research and innovation proposals, broken down into six main research themes/thematic areas that encourage the setting of the BIOEAST agricultural sector – within the bioeconomy – on a sustainable course:

  • 1. Soil management
  • 2. Transition to Chemical Pesticide-free Agriculture
  • 3. Genetic Resources and Agricultural Diversification
  • 4. Innovation, Smart Agriculture, Digitalisation and Knowledge Sharing
  • 5. Animal Health and Welfare
  • 6. Local Food Systems and Rural Development
