National Contact Point

Agricultural Academy

The BIOEAST Initiative’s National Contact Point (NCP) is the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. One of the NCP’s main roles at national level is to interact and coordinate the national views with other bioeconomy related ministries.


The Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry is the central public administrative body responsible for the development and implementation of the state policy in the field of agriculture, rural development, food and feed safety, plant protection, veterinary and zootechnics, forestry management, hunting, fisheries and aquaculture.
Within the structure of the Ministry, the Agricultural Academy is an authority managed by a Chairman and it is directly reporting to the Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. The Academy is responsible for research, development and innovation (R&D&I) activities in the Agri-Food sector, such as: organizing and carrying out scientific research and all the relevant activities in the abovementioned fields; taking part in the development of normative acts , analysis, programs , projects and strategies in the field of agriculture at national and regional level; collecting , processing and storing scientific data related to Agri-Food sector.

Relevant details regarding the bioeconomy

JRC Bioeconomy KC – https://datam.jrc.ec.europa.eu/datam/mashup/BIOECONOMICS/index.html
BBI JU Country Fact Sheets – https://www.bbi-europe.eu/sites/default/files/Bulgaria.pdf

Nation bioeconomy hub of Bulgaria is available at the following link


BE-Rural – Bio-based strategies and roadmaps for enhanced rural and regional development in the EU CELEBio project aims at strengthening the enabling environment for bio-based businesses in eight countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
MAFF, AA – Strategy for strengthening the role of the agrarian sector in the bioeconomy
National Scientific Program – Healthy Foods for a Strong Bioeconomy and Quality of Life
CASA – Support Action to a common agricultural and wider bioeconomy research agenda, Horizon 2020
Bulgarian-Swiss Cooperation Programme – Methodological Support for the Development of Green Public Procurement in Bulgaria