The BIOEAST Initiative will also be present at the next Global BIOECONOMY Summit

We are pleased to announce that the  BIOEAST Initiative will also be present at the next BIOECONOMY Summit.

BIOEAST participates in  Track 3: Industry & Business category, Rebooting the economy – sustainability, growth, and climate action delivered by the bioecomony workshop, which will be held online on November 18, 2020.

The workshop will reflect on the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and governmental recovery plans and it will focus on the Green Deal and how sustainable and circular bioeocnomy can contribute to farm resilience and stimulate growth.

Within the workshop, BIOEAST will organize a breakout session.Its main purpose is to show how  a stylized bottom-up process of bioeconomy strategy focus for a specific (example) emerging country with strong biomass potential and existing bio-based sectors but with no explicit bioeconomy strategy can be simulated.

The agenda of the workshop is available here:

Due to known circumstances, the third Global Bioeconomy Summit #GBS2020 will take place fully virtual from 16 to 20 November 2020 with the support of the German government.

Registration for the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 is now open: