Biljana Kulišić, Senior Researcher, PhD participated at the ICED 2020 conference with a scientific paper

The FEB Zagreb & Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts International Conference on Economics of Decoupling (ICED 2020) was held between 30 November – 1 December 2020.

Bioeconomy expert of the BIOEAST Initiative Biljana Kulišić, PhD, presented as lead author the results of the research paper “POSITIONING THE CROATIAN LINEAR BIOECONOMY TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY”.

The paper investigates political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) factors of the Croatian linear bioeconomy. As a part of the bioeconomy strategy development the first Croatian Interministerial Committee for Bioeconomy in Croatia  was established during the period of February 2019-May 2020 with the support of the Horizon 2020 BIOEASTsUP project. The Committee performed a PEST analysis, based on the features of the current Croatian linear bioeconomy and the novel policy framework set by the European Green Deal. The task to perform was to position Croatian bioeconomy within the challenges and opportunities that the EU vision for bioeconomy poses.