ZMAG – Green Network of Activist Groups

Open innovation arrangement

Contact person: Petra Pavleka ;

Vision & Objectives

  • ZMAG strives towards a world in which people’s living conditions are met, social and human rights respected, without endangering the environment and the sustainability of ecosystems. ZMAG’s main objective is to develop and promote permaculture, ecological knowledge and skills, applicable models and technologies, important for sustainable living and improvement of the overall quality of life.


  • running the Recycled Estate – an open educational centre in the village of Vukomerić, as an exemplary model of environmentally sustainable and socially aware space designed according to the principles of permaculture
  • providing knowledge, information and experience in the application of eco-technologies to various groups of users: local government and the community, environmental organizations and the rest of civil society, farmers, entrepreneurs, students and activists, and all interested parties
  • dissemination of permaculture ideas, ecological knowledge and skills, applicable models and technologies, important for sustainable development and raising the quality of life of people through networking with similar initiatives and organizations in Croatia, the region and the world

Production sector

  • Mixed farming