The EU Council in Agriculture and Fisheries set approved Council Conclusions on the opportunities of the bioeconomy for rural areas in the light of current challenges. Among others, it recognizes the value of the BIOEAST Initiative as a good example of collaborative regional networks for exchanging experiences, knowledge and best practices.
Barna Kovacs, Secretary General of the BIOEAST Initiative says: “The Council Conclusions are setting the framework for the next EU Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan. BIOEAST is mentioned and referred to as a valuable network. It means that in Brussels the value of such a cooperation is highly appreciated. By being the only initiative mentioned in the document should give the courage to the BIOEAST countries to better engage and use their opportunities via the initiative to influence future European agendas.”
The Council Conclusions notes that regional networks should be supported in Member States where the bioeconomy related progress is slow, there is also a need to analyze knowledge transfer possibilities and participation in research and innovation activities. The BIOEAST Initiative supports 11 member states to develop their own strategic priorities. It has 7 thematic macro-regional working groups that are working on common priorities, specifically on research and innovation agendas to support innovation eco-systems, the BIOEASTsUP project summarized good practice of efficient knowledge transfer in the BIOEAST macro-region.