
Croatia spans 565.941 square kilometres and has a population of nearly 3.9 million. Croatia has a long Adriatic coast consisting of over a thousand islands and islets varying in size. Almost 1.5 million hectares of agricultural land is cultivated, while forests account up to 47% of the country’s territory. Economic output is dominated by the service sector accounting for 70.1% of GDP followed by the industrial sector (26.2%) and agriculture (3.6%). Shipbuilding, food processing, pharmaceuticals, information technology, biochemical, and timber industry dominate the industrial sector. Bioeconomy has reached value added of 4 billion € (which accounts for 9% of GDP) and employs 213 thousand employees. Agriculture and food processing are dominant bioeconomy sectors, followed by forestry and woodworking, biotextile, fisheries and aquaculture, biochemical and paper industry.

Bioeconomy Policy Framework

An expert working group composed of representatives from ministries responsible for agriculture, economy, environment, regional development and science as well as regional and local governments, scientific and research institutions, the private sector and non-governmental organizations drafted the Bioeconomy Strategy. The Bioeconomy Strategy should ensure coordinated action in the further development of bioeconomy and contribute to the overall economic activities in Croatia and their sustainability, which is, along with reducing dependence on raw materials from non-renewable sources, especially important for rural areas.

visit the CROBIOHUB

CROBIOHUB is the Central Portal for Bioeconomy in Croatia. CROBIOHUB connects stakeholders from the public (state administration, regional and local government, scientific and research institutions) and private sectors, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders who participate in development of the national bioeconomy concept. HUB enables exchange of information on research and innovation projects in the bioeconomy, promotion of the cascading biomass uses principle, circularity and efficiency of resources as well as biomass market development.

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Bioeconomy related projects

Croatian companies, organizations, scientific and research institutions partnered in more than 150 projects related to bioeconomy within the HORIZON 2020 and Horizon Europe programme. Some project examples are listed below:

National contact point

The main contact is the Department for Research and Development Strategies of the Directorate for Agricultural Policy, EU and International Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.


Croatia, Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 78
