9th International Scientific Conference “Rural Development 2019: Research and Innovation for Bioeconomy“.
26–28 September 2019, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Kaunas
This biannual event brought together scientists, practitioners, policy makers, private sector actors, NGOs, young researchers and students for a discussion on research issues related to rural development, particularly in the light of bioeconomy challenges.
The major aim of the Conference is to provide scientific interdisciplinary discussion and to share new ideas for sustainable rural development in the context of Bioeconomy, Innovations and Social Progress. The 9th Conference covered four main areas: Biosystems Engineering and Environment Integrity, Agro-innovations and Food Technologies, Multifunctional Approach for Sustainable Use of Bio-Resources, and Social Research and Innovation in Bioeconomy for Sustainable Transformation and Wellbeing in Rural Areas. The biannual conference is attended by over 700 scientists from more than 35 countries.
Programme (EN) of the Conference is available here, for detailed article please click here.