BIOEAST Science-Policy Dialogue
BIOEAST SCIENCE-POLICY DIALOGUE: Implementation of agroecology-relevant measures in national Common Agricultural Policies (CAPs) across the BIOEAST region
The Agroecology Thematic Working Group of the BIOEAST Initiative – in the frame of the BOOST4BIOEAST project – organises an online science-policy dialogue on 9th October 2024 between 10:00-12:00 (CET). The discussion focuses on showcasing inspiring examples on the integration and promotion of agroecology in national Common Agricultural Policies (CAPs) across the macro-region. The dialogue also aims to reflect on the impact of recent CAP simplification measures on environmental requirements adopted by the European Commission in the BIOEAST countries.
The dialogue is specifically targeted to policymakers, experts and researchers from the BIOEAST macro-region, but other interested international stakeholders are welcome to join. The dialogue will be organised in English.