Circular Bioeconomy: The Rise or Fall of Circular Investments?
You are invited to this year’s second event of the National Bioeconomy Hub on Thursday, September 26, 2024, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM, Center Rog, Ljubljana – Conference Hall
The first meeting focused on public funding and financing solutions in the circular bioeconomy, while this time, the spotlight will be on private investments in the circular bioeconomy. We will explore untapped opportunities in Slovenia and the potential for creating new circular biobased value chains.
We aim to connect lesser-known stakeholders in the bioeconomy with private investors and banks. We will present specific business practices in the circular bioeconomy that are ripe for investment. The event is organised in collaboration with the Slovenian-German Chamber of Commerce, represented by the keynote speaker – Simon Franko, Managing Director, BASF Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia.
The goal of the meeting is to foster effective collaboration between capital representatives and companies. We will discuss why barriers to effective financing of innovative solutions still exist in Slovenia, despite their potential to boost the country’s economy and enhance resilience, international competitiveness, and sustainability. We will explore what banks and other financing sources offer today, what companies need, and why these two sides often fail to align.
Programme (All times in CET)
- 8:30 – 9:00 – Morning coffee and registration
- 9:00 – 9:15 – Welcome and brief introduction of the Hub – Miha Škrokov (Anteja ECG), Mario Plešej (MKGP), and Ladeja Godina Košir (Circular Change)
- 9:15 – 9:45 – “Opportunities in the Slovenian Bioeconomy” – Mateja Dermastija (Anteja)
- 9:45 – 10:05 – Simon Franko (BASF)
- 10:05 – 10:25 – “Private Financing from Abroad” Clara Martinez, ECBF (European Circular Bioeconomy Fund)
- 10:25 – 11:20 – Panel “Circular Bioeconomy: The Rise or Fall of Circular Investments?”
- Invited company representatives: Panvita, BASF, Pivovarna Laško Union – Heineken, LoginEko
- Invited financial institution representatives: ECBF, NLB, Vesna VC, Banka Intesa Sanpaolo
- 11:20 – 11:30 – Conclusions and summary
- 11:30 – 12:00 – Networking with refreshments
Event location: Conference Hall – Center Rog, Ljubljana, 2nd Floor.
Your participation in shaping the future of the circular bioeconomy in Slovenia is crucial. Join us in creating an environment where innovative solutions receive the necessary support and funding. Thank you for your participation.
Register as soon as possible, as space is limited!
For more information: marco[at]circularchange.com