SAVE THE DATE – 26 NOVEMBER 2024 BIOEAST SCIENCE-POLICY DIALOGUE: Enhancing Bioeconomy Education and Collaboration in the BIOEAST Region
The Bioeconomy Education Thematic Working Group, in the frame of the BOOST4BIOEAST project, is organizing a hybrid science-policy dialogue on 26th November 2024 from 09:30 – 12:00 (CET). This event will bring together policymakers, educators, and researchers to discuss advancements in bioeconomy education, inter-regional collaboration, and policy alignment across the BIOEAST macro-region.
The program will feature keynotes and panel discussions with experts and policymakers, focusing on the challenges and achievements in bioeconomy education. Participants will explore sustainable models for scaling bioeconomy education and innovation, aligned with EU goals and regional strategies.
This dialogue is aimed at stakeholders from the BIOEAST macro-region, but international participants are welcome to join. The event will be conducted in English.
Join us online! Register here!
For further information, please contact us at valentina@bio-hub.cz.