Workshop focused on boosting regional bioeconomy uptake through education and engagement was organised on the 4 November 2021 as a side event of the 19th European Week on Regions and Cities in conjunction with Committee of the Regions by the H2020 project Transition2BIO.
Georgios Patoulis, Member of the European Committee of the Regions, President of the Greek Delegation encouraged participants to look for new ways of production and more efficient use of resource giving an example of bio waste that can be used in the area of production. He also reffered to the composting certification as a hight quality soil improving material. ZERA regional Agency member of the BIOEAST HUB CZ is actively involved in the certification procedure in the Czech Republic.
Chiara Pocaterra from APRE, project coordinator introduced the Transition2Bio project. Susanna Albertiny presented the the focuse of Transition2BIO project to increase the knowledge facilitate the good practice exchange and debate. She highlighted the need to close the gab between EU project and their implementation in the practice.
Mr. Giuseppe Pellegrino, Member of European Commission, DG RTD Mr. Dimitrios Karnavos, Member of the European Committee of the Regions, Mr. Kostas Gioutikas, Vice Regional Governor of Central Macedonia, Mr. George Sakellaris the Coordinator of BIOEAST Thematic Working Group Bioeconomy Education, Mrs. Zoritza Kiresiewa, Ecologic, BE-RURAL project participated in the interactive roundtable.
The seminar was organised as a proactive collaboration bottom – up approach with an interactive session of Round Table and the audience are involved throughout Mentimeter.