The aim of the conference is to increase awareness and connect all relevant policy makers to discuss a common approach and concrete action, to enhance the engagement in the EU Mission to Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030. The event is organised by the BIOEAST Initiative and BIOEAST HUB CZ under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic in Prague, 7 December 2022.
The conference will focus on the following sections:
- EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters & 4 Pillars: Introduction into the mission setup, the mission’s charter with invited speakers from European Commission mission managers DG MARE and DG RTD.
- Enhancement of the Danube Pillar in the BIOEAST macro region: Introduction of the BIOEAST Initiative and its bodies, connecting to already existing structures linked to the Danube Region, coordination and support actions, good practices and innovation events.
- Panel discussions about the needs of the Danube region: Invited speakers should discuss the broader picture from the perspective of the policy makers, scientific experts and implementing agencies. Is foreseen to invite ministries, water authorities and research institute representatives representing the Danube Region.
You can find the concept note and the registration form on the conference website here.