Slovak Presidency 2018/2019


The Slovak Republic is holding its fifth presidency of the Visegrad group (V4) from July 2018 until June 2019.

For a quarter of a century of its existence, Visegrad cooperation has moved from coordination of countries’ integration processes to the promotion of common positions at the European level. With this in mind, SK V4 PRES will focus its efforts in the area of bioeconomy on progressing with the BIOEAST Initiative and its main aim will be to develop the first Initiative´s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Within the SRIA it will be our key-priority to identify the main strategic areas common for our countries, which should be further explored and developed, e.g. in the field of agro-ecology and sustainable yields, forest based value, fresh water and aquaculture based value chains and others.  

Under the SK V4 PRES, the BIOEAST countries will intensify their cooperation, establish and support the work of expert groups and „knowledge hub“ of BIOEAST in order to improve strategic thinking in bioeconomy with the aim to support the long-term partnership and framework conditions for fulfilling the BIOEAST Vision – develop knowledge and cooperation based cicular bioeconomies, which help to enhance inclusive growth and to create new value-added jobs especially in rural areas, whilst maintaining or even strengthening environmental sustainability.

Increased attention will also be paid to the preparation and finalization of the Initiative´s governance.

For detailed program please click HERE.