Value proposition

The Bulgarian BIOEAST HUB aims to catalyze sustainable bioeconomic growth through strategic partnerships across government, industry, academia and NGO sector. It fosters innovation and policy development, enhancing Bulgaria’s bioeconomy by facilitating stakeholder engagement, resource mobilization, and cross-sector collaboration, aligned with broader EU bioeconomic goals.


The Bulgarian BIOEAST HUB, coordinated by the Agricultural Academy and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, is among spearheading transformations in the country’s bioeconomy. By uniting policymakers, industry leaders, researchers, and civil society, the HUB serves as a collaborative platform for advancing sustainable agricultural, aquaculture, and forestry practices. Its mission is to mobilize resources, drive innovation, and influence policy development, ensuring Bulgaria aligns with the European Union’s broader bioeconomic goals.

As part of the BIOEAST initiative, the HUB fosters knowledge exchange beyond national borders, aligning with the broader Central-Eastern European BIOEAST Initiative, cross-sector cooperation, and international collaboration to enhance development of Bulgaria’s bio-based economy. By developing strategic action plans and strengthening research capacities, it aims to create lasting impact beyond the project’s duration. Through activities like macro-regional workshops and the BIOEAST Annual Conferences, the Bulgarian HUB fosters a dynamic dialogue among researchers, policymakers, and industry experts. With a strong emphasis on market access, education, and capacity building, the HUB is a crucial player in Bulgaria’s transition towards a greener, more resilient economy.

National contact point

Mariya Yunakova

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Relevant contact

Mariya Yunakova

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment


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Related events

Related items in the Knowledge Platform

The Bulgarian BIOEAST HUB is designed for a wide range of stakeholders, including government agencies, research institutions, universities, industries, and civil society organizations. It provides a central platform for collaboration, facilitating knowledge exchange and fostering innovation in Bulgaria’s bioeconomy sector. By joining the HUB, members can contribute to shaping national strategic bioeconomy documents, engage in policy development, and access knowledge that will drive sustainable growth in agriculture, forestry, and bioenergy sectors.

Organizations and individuals should become members of the HUB to gain access to a collaborative network that supports the development of bioeconomy action plans, enhances capacity building, and promotes cross-sectoral innovation. Members will have opportunities to influence policy, participate in national and international research projects, and share knowledge with experts across the region, enhancing the potential for knowledge exchange and access to best practices.This active participation ensures that members stay at the forefront of bioeconomy developments and innovations, while contributing to Bulgaria’s alignment with broader EU and global sustainability goals.