BIOEAST Advisory Council Kick off Meeting

In line with the implementation of the BIOEAST Vision 2030, which was endorsed in February 2018, and in the framework of the BIOEASTsUP project (launched on 1 October 2019) a panel of experts will be set up as Advisory Council to support the BIOEAST Initiative. The main aim of the Advisory Council is the exchange of knowledge, ideas and advice with the BIOEAST Board (Board).

Christian Patermann (International Bioeconomy Advisor, former EC director), Fabio Fava (Professor, University of Bologna, BBI JU SRG chair, founder of the Italian Bioeconomy strategy), István Szabó (Vice President for Science and International Affair – National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary) are members of the Advisory Council.

The Advisory Council will work as a bioeconomy panel for the macro-region. The aim is to give guidance to national policy makers but also to identify special challenges the macro-region might face with, and the ultimate aim is to contribute to the BIOEAST Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), therefore also members of the Foreseight Expert Group. George Sakellaris (member of the BIOEAST HUB CZ) who is participating in both Advisory Council and Foreseight Expert Group says:” The Advisory Body having the representation of all BioEast member states but also including top level experts, is going to substantially support all the activities of the platform, operating as a Bioeconomy panel for the region. Its inclusiveness and expertise will allow this body to provide guidance to the policy makers actively contributing to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. “