Activities of the BIOEAST Thematic Working Group Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy were presented on the Mutual Learning Exercise on EU missions’ implementation at national level – Mission portfolios on 23rd November 2023 in Prague organised by the Ministry of Education, Czech Republic.

The meeting in Prague was the second meeting centring around the concept of mission portfolios. This two-day event offered a platform to explore current and developing approaches to managing mission portfolios among EU Member States and develop a collective understanding of the purpose and application of an EU mission portfolio.
Three practical examples how to support the implementation of the EU Missions were presented: the activities of the Technology Centre Prague by Jana Čejková, acivities of Healthy Cities of the Czech Republic, National network by Blanka Dvořáková and the activities of the Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy Thematic Working Group by Marie Kubankova. Marie Kubankova the Leader of the BIOEAST Thematic Working Group shared practical experience of implementing activities that support the Danube Lighthouse on both national and macro-regional level. One of the key roles of the Thematic Working Group is to facilitate a dialog between policy makers and scientific experts, network experts and policy makers involved in the freshwater topic. Members of the thematic working group are discussing strategic priorities and building portfolio of relevant projects with a support of the Dalia Danube Lighthouse project that started in January 2023 and new project NIAGARA HORIZON-CL6-2022-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-04 (RIA) that started in November 2023.