Save the Date – Sub-regional workshops in Ljubljana, Tartu and Warsaw for the validation of the BIOEAST STRATEGIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION AGENDA

In the framework of the BIOEASTsUP project, three sub-regional workshops will be organised to validate the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) document produced under the project. The BIOEAST Vision for 2030 paves the way …

BIOEAST stakeholders finally met in person at the joint Thematic Working Group meeting in Ljubljana

The latest meeting of the seven thematic working groups of the BIOEAST Initiative (agroecology, food, forestry, bioenergy, bio-based materials, bioeconomy education, bioeconomy freshwater) took place in Ljubljana on 12-13 May, organised by the Slovenian Ministry …

Financial opportunities for the bioeconomy in Central and Eastern Europe in the EU – the second session of the successful event examined the opportunities for funding

A webinar on the opportunities of the 6th Cluster of Horizon Europe and the Circular Biobased Europe Partnership (CBE JU) was held on 28 April with more than 110 participants, where among others the Bio-based …

Synergy workshop of ROSEWOOD Network, GoDanuBio and BIOEAST & BIOEASTsUP organised in Centar kompetencija d.o.o. za istraživanje i razvoj – Value chain: Forest and wood

In Vukovar-Srijem Countys’ Competence Centre, Forest and wood value chain workshop was held on 6th of April 2022. Workshop was organised by Vukovar-Srijem Countys’ Competence Centre and ROSEWOOD4.0 (Horizon2020), GoDanuBio (INTERREG V-B Danube 2014-2020) and …

SAVE THE DATE – Webinar on Mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the Central and Eastern European countries 28 APR 2022 9:00-12:00 (CET)

Following the pathway of our previous successful webinar on 15 November 2021, the BIOEAST Initiative and the BIOEASTsUP project organizes a webinar on „Mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the Central and Eastern European countries”. …

Transition2Bio capacity building activity “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”

Transition2Bio is organizing a capacity building on “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”, which will take place next 6-7 April from 09:30 to 12:30 am. The capacity building is organized in collaboration with the EuBioNet and the …