BIOEAST Freshwater Thematic Working Group Advances Solutions for Freshwater-Based Bioeconomy Amidst Rising Climate Challenges

As Europe faces mounting climate-related challenges – droughts, destructive summer fires, and recent floods, the BIOEAST Thematic Working Group on Freshwater-Based Bioeconomy (TWG Freshwater BBE) convened a pivotal policy discussion on December 18, 2024, to …

Lithuanian Interministerial group: Towards New Projects in Agricultural Science, Knowledge Dissemination, and Innovation

The recently updated Agricultural Research Council (Žemės ūkio Mokslo Taryba) is set to provide recommendations to the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant institutions on a broad range of issues. These include strategic directions in …

BIOEAST and Beyond

Partnering for the Future” high-level conference on Central and Eastern European research and innovation priorities in the context of sustainable soil and freshwater resilience, food systems security, and bioeconomy-related policies. 4-6 December 2024. Between 4 …

Ministers approved Council conclusions on a potential Europe-wide R&I initiative for sustainable natural resource management, food security & bioeconomy on 29 November 2024

The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union proposed the drafting of Council conclusions on assessing the need for and feasibility and impact of a potential new R&I initiative in the field of …

Boosting the Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern Europe: Kick-off Event of the Hungarian BIOEAST HUB

The Hungarian BIOEAST HUB, coordinated by Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), the HUN-REN Centre for Natural Sciences (TTK), and the Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI), was officially established on September 5, 2024. Established …

DALIA project launches Rivers Revived Call for Associated Regions, inviting local and regional authorities to apply for a chance to secure a grant of up to 100K EUR for river restoration.

DALIA’s Open Call Rivers Revived presents a unique opportunity for local and regional authorities from Associated Regions to participate in groundbreaking initiatives aimed at environmental, societal, and economic transformation. The Call aligns with DALIA’s primary …

Call for Signatures: Stakeholder Manifesto on Sustainable supply chains and strengthened local processing of bioresources in Central and Eastern Europe

An emerging call for sustainable transition is echoing across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), as the BIOEAST Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) launch a pioneering initiative. The Stakeholder Manifesto on “Sustainable supply chains and strengthened local …

New beginnings, expansion and inspiration – the bioeconomy agenda of the BIOEAST countries is set for 2024 and beyond

What an exciting week! From March 5th to the 7th, the BOOST4BIOEAST (B4B) project Kick-Off and the Annual BIOEAST Bioeconomy Conference made Budapest the center of the bioeconomy community in the Central Eastern European and …

BIOEAST Thematic Working Group share experience how  to enhance the EU Mission TO RESTORE OUR OCEANS AND WATERS BY 2030

Activities of the BIOEAST Thematic Working Group Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy were presented on the Mutual Learning Exercise on EU missions’ implementation at national level – Mission portfolios on 23rd November 2023 in Prague organised …

Concept note on Regional Innovation Valleys for Food System & Bioeconomy to Boost Regional Bioeconomies was launched in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

The high-level event was organized jointly by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and the Agricultural University of Plovdiv, in close cooperation with the BIOEAST Initiative. Nikolai Denkov Bulgarian Prime Minister and Milena …

Save the date for the European Bioeconomy Scientific Forum 2023 – Moving towards the transformation

6th-8th September 2023  Vienna, Austria  The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), as the current chair of the European Bioeconomy University Alliance (EBU), welcomes all interest parties to Vienna, Austria for the European …

In-person, onsite event on Circular economy for biodiversity: Unlocking the green potential (5 June 2023 I 12:00 – 16:40)

The NCBR Office in Brussels – Business & Science Poland, the Slovenian Business & Research Association, Lithuanian RDI Liaison Office in Brussels (LINO), the European Office of Cyprus – Brussels Office,Eötvös Loránd University and the …

Central and Eastern European countries are setting common strategic research and innovation priorities for their bioeconomy development

On 15-16 March 2023 in Warsaw during a high level, BIOEAST Congress was presented a macro-regional strategic research and innovation agenda and eleven national concept papers for bioeconomy strategies. The agenda sets common priorities on …

The majority of BIOEAST water bodies has worse than good status the new EU mission is an opportunity for the BIOEAST macro-region

The BIOEAST Initiative fully acknowledges the importance of fresh water in production value chains of the countries located in the BIOEAST macro-region a dedicate Thematic working group (TWG) was established. With the support of the …


BIOEAST Board and its thematic working group initiated the   BIOEAST University Network that was established in Prague on 8th December 2022   on the international conference Bioeconomy education A BIOEAST perspective when six universities from Central …


A successful high-level international conference was organised in Prague during the Czech EU Presidency on the 7th of December 2022. The highlevel representatives of minsitries from the Danube Region countries were assured by the European Commission’s representatives that …


The BIOEAST Vision for 2030 paves the way for a comprehensive macro-regional Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Within the frame of the BIOEASTsUP project, a draft BIOEAST SRIA has been developed during the past …

Save the date: „Bioeconomy Policy, Actors, and Transformations: Achievements, Challenges, and Recommendations” conference in Berlin, 22-23 February 2022

An international conference „Bioeconomy Policy, Actors, and Transformations: Achievements, Challenges, and Recommendations”, hosted by the Agricultural and Food Policy Group is taking place at Humboldt-Universität Berlin between 22-23 February 2023.   The conference marks the …

Save the date: Conference „Bioeconomy Education: A BIOEAST Perspective” will take place in Prague on 8 December 2022

To efficiently support the expansion of the sustainable circular bioeconomy, to involve and inspire stakeholders to get engaged in bioeconomy education the BIOEAST macro-region and to launch the BIOEAST Network of Central and Eastern European …

Save the date: Conference „Preparing the Danube Lighthouse – EU Mission on Restoring our Oceans and Waters by 2030” organised in Prague on 7 December 2022

The aim of the conference is to increase awareness and connect all relevant policy makers to discuss a common approach and concrete action, to enhance the engagement in the EU Mission to Restore our Ocean …


With the establishment of the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), the European Commission, along with the Bio-based Industries Consortium, pledged their continued support to the development of the bioeconomy in the European Research …

Save the Date – Sub-regional workshops in Ljubljana, Tartu and Warsaw for the validation of the BIOEAST STRATEGIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION AGENDA

In the framework of the BIOEASTsUP project, three sub-regional workshops will be organised to validate the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) document produced under the project. The BIOEAST Vision for 2030 paves the way …

BIOEAST stakeholders finally met in person at the joint Thematic Working Group meeting in Ljubljana

The latest meeting of the seven thematic working groups of the BIOEAST Initiative (agroecology, food, forestry, bioenergy, bio-based materials, bioeconomy education, bioeconomy freshwater) took place in Ljubljana on 12-13 May, organised by the Slovenian Ministry …

Financial opportunities for the bioeconomy in Central and Eastern Europe in the EU – the second session of the successful event examined the opportunities for funding

A webinar on the opportunities of the 6th Cluster of Horizon Europe and the Circular Biobased Europe Partnership (CBE JU) was held on 28 April with more than 110 participants, where among others the Bio-based …

Synergy workshop of ROSEWOOD Network, GoDanuBio and BIOEAST & BIOEASTsUP organised in Centar kompetencija d.o.o. za istraživanje i razvoj – Value chain: Forest and wood

In Vukovar-Srijem Countys’ Competence Centre, Forest and wood value chain workshop was held on 6th of April 2022. Workshop was organised by Vukovar-Srijem Countys’ Competence Centre and ROSEWOOD4.0 (Horizon2020), GoDanuBio (INTERREG V-B Danube 2014-2020) and …

SAVE THE DATE – Webinar on Mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the Central and Eastern European countries 28 APR 2022 9:00-12:00 (CET)

Following the pathway of our previous successful webinar on 15 November 2021, the BIOEAST Initiative and the BIOEASTsUP project organizes a webinar on „Mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the Central and Eastern European countries”. …

Transition2Bio capacity building activity “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”

Transition2Bio is organizing a capacity building on “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”, which will take place next 6-7 April from 09:30 to 12:30 am. The capacity building is organized in collaboration with the EuBioNet and the …

Bioeconomy to Boost your Business – Get Inspired by Experienced Entrepreneurs – Save the day 8th December 2021

Enterprises oriented towards the conversion of bio-based materials to utilizable products and services are at the heart of bioeconomy, and provide a fresh alternative to the fossil-based economic approach. This event will show-case start-ups and …

Successful BIOEAST WEBINAR organized ON MOBILIZING FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTO BIOECONOMY related innovation in the Central and Eastern European countries

Five years ago, the Visegrad Four launched the BIOEAST Initiative, which aims to develop a knowledge-based agricultural economy in a sustainable biomass-based economy. Eleven countries from the Baltic to the Balkans are now members of …

New BIOEAST TWG Education

Bioeconomy Education has been a key issue on the European Strategy for Bioeconomy from the very beginning. In both Strategy documents (2012 and 2018) the issue appears as a key priority for Europe. The Bioeconomy Stakeholders Manifesto issued …

BIOEAST webinar on Mobilizing financial investment into bioeconomy related innovation in the Central and Eastern European countries – 15th November

The BIOEAST Initiative under the patronage of the Hungarian Visegrad Group Presidency organises a workshop and panel discussion on funding opportunities through financial instruments on 15 November 2021. The aim of the workshop is to …