Launch of BIOEAST HUB Bulgaria
On December 3, 2024, the founding meeting of BIOEAST HUB Bulgaria was held in a hybrid format at the EXPO Hotel Sofia, in Sofia. The event was organized by the Agricultural Academy under the project …
On December 3, 2024, the founding meeting of BIOEAST HUB Bulgaria was held in a hybrid format at the EXPO Hotel Sofia, in Sofia. The event was organized by the Agricultural Academy under the project …
The BIOEAST UniNet conference convened stakeholders from across the network to discuss pivotal updates, elect a new presidency, and chart the course for future collaborations. Hosted by BIOEAST HUB CR, the event featured presentations, interactive …
The Annual BIOEAST Bioeconomy Conference is set to take place on 9-10 April 2025 at the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Bucharest, Romania. This event brings together stakeholders from across the Central and Eastern …
The European Commission has launched a new Biotech and Biomanufacturing Hub to support innovative companies, particularly start-ups and SMEs, in bringing cutting-edge products to the EU market. The initiative aims to strengthen the sector’s competitiveness …
The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) has launched a call for stakeholders to join its newly established Working Group on Primary Producers. This initiative aims to support primary producers—such as those in agriculture, …
Prague, 12 December 2024 – The Second Annual National Bioeconomy Congress, organized by BIOEAST HUB CR and the Technology Center under the auspices of the Minister of Agriculture, showcased the transformative potential of European Partnerships …
As Europe faces mounting climate-related challenges – droughts, destructive summer fires, and recent floods, the BIOEAST Thematic Working Group on Freshwater-Based Bioeconomy (TWG Freshwater BBE) convened a pivotal policy discussion on December 18, 2024, to …
Between 6-8 October 2024, in Sinaia, a significant meeting of experts in the field of bioeconomy was held, marking the official kick-off meeting of the National Bioeconomy HUB for Romania (BOOST4BIOEAST project). The main goal …
The BOOST4BIOEAST project is pleased to announce that it has started to collaborate with the BBioNets and the EuBioNet as a member to identify common synergies and goals, aiming at advancing and strengthening bioeconomy practices …
Martin Kováč, principal advisor of Water Holistic, underscored the critical importance of adopting a new water paradigm to address escalating climate challenges, including devastating fires, droughts, and floods. Speaking at the afternoon workshop of the …
The recently updated Agricultural Research Council (Žemės ūkio Mokslo Taryba) is set to provide recommendations to the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant institutions on a broad range of issues. These include strategic directions in …
On the 26th of September, BOOST4BIOEAST partners, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, organised discussion with major national associations and clusters, representing biomass production, its processing, and …
Partnering for the Future” high-level conference on Central and Eastern European research and innovation priorities in the context of sustainable soil and freshwater resilience, food systems security, and bioeconomy-related policies. 4-6 December 2024. Between 4 …
The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union proposed the drafting of Council conclusions on assessing the need for and feasibility and impact of a potential new R&I initiative in the field of …
The challenges and opportunities for bioeconomy education in the BIOEAST macro-region were addressed at a high-level workshop titled “Bioeconomy Education to Enable the Transition to a Competitive, Regenerative, and Fair (Bio)Economy,” held in Brussels on …
The international conference titled “From the Danube Source to Black Sea – Healthy Waters and Healthy Life” held on October 15, 2024, at the Burgas Free University (BFU) in Burgas, Bulgaria hosted a panel discussion …
Get access to the potential of bioeconomy in Central and Eastern Europe with the BIOEAST Knowledge Platform! This innovative online library is designed for anyone interested in expanding their understanding of the bioeconomy sector.The platform …
The Hungarian BIOEAST HUB, coordinated by Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), the HUN-REN Centre for Natural Sciences (TTK), and the Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI), was officially established on September 5, 2024. Established …
On 26 September 2024, the Slovenian Bioeconomy Hub hosted a landmark event, “Bioeconomy – The Rise or Fall of Circular Investments” at Center Rog in Ljubljana. The event aimed to bring together industry leaders, policymakers, …
On Monday, June 3, 2024, a meeting of the HUB for bioeconomy took place in the Centre for Business Training (CPU). The event, coordinated through the frameworks of the BIOEAST, CEE2ACT, and BIOLOC projects, was …
DALIA’s Open Call Rivers Revived presents a unique opportunity for local and regional authorities from Associated Regions to participate in groundbreaking initiatives aimed at environmental, societal, and economic transformation. The Call aligns with DALIA’s primary …
4 July 2024, Brussels On 4 July 2024, the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, in collaboration with the BIOEAST Initiative, organized a high-level policy debate focusing on the potential role of Central …
On Friday, June 7, 2024, a meeting of the HUB for bioeconomy took place in the House of Europe, jointly organized by the Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, WWF Adria and the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture …
An emerging call for sustainable transition is echoing across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), as the BIOEAST Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) launch a pioneering initiative. The Stakeholder Manifesto on “Sustainable supply chains and strengthened local …
The Hungarian EU presidency is scheduled for the second half of 2024. One of the presidency’s plans is to propose a new partnership to boost the development of the bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European …
The BIOEAST HUB Czech Republic organized a FreshWater Clustering event in a hybrid form in Brussels on the 19th of March to show good practices related to fresh water, discuss BIOEAST macro-regional priorities, and intensify …
What an exciting week! From March 5th to the 7th, the BOOST4BIOEAST (B4B) project Kick-Off and the Annual BIOEAST Bioeconomy Conference made Budapest the center of the bioeconomy community in the Central Eastern European and …
The BIOEAST Initiative is organising a clustering workshop for fresh water-related projects in Brussels on 19 March 2024. The event aims to underscore the criticality of fresh water-related issues, foster collaboration among projects and initiatives, …
On the 31st of January 2024, the BOOST4BIOEAST project – BOOSTing the bioeconomy transformation FOR (4) the BIOEAST- region has officially kicked off its activities in an online meeting which will be supporting the BIOEAST …
The BIOEAST Initiative, comprising 11 Central and Eastern European countries, is hosting its Annual Bioeconomy Conference on 6th and 7th March 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. The conference focuses on the pivotal role of national HUBs …
Yoram Wijngaarde, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Dealroom presented The State of Innovation in the Danube Valley at the Danube Tech Summit in Vienna on 12th December 2023. The report showed interesting figures about the …
The network of Bioeconomy Universities established under the umbrella of BIOEAST initiative in 2022 attracted new candidates that joined the group at the first annual meeting on 14th December 2023 in Prague. In the immediate vicinity …
Activities of the BIOEAST Thematic Working Group Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy were presented on the Mutual Learning Exercise on EU missions’ implementation at national level – Mission portfolios on 23rd November 2023 in Prague organised …
The first Bioeconomy Congress in the Czech Republic clearly showed that a number of public and private organizations are actively involved in the bioeconomy and highlighted the importance of developing a national bioeconomy strategy. The …
The high-level event was organized jointly by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and the Agricultural University of Plovdiv, in close cooperation with the BIOEAST Initiative. Nikolai Denkov Bulgarian Prime Minister and Milena …
The webtool was eveloped in the framework of the H2020 Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking project BioCircularCities, which is availabel here: webtool supports the identification of the most suitable technological options (bio-circular technologies) for improving …
6th-8th September 2023 Vienna, Austria The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), as the current chair of the European Bioeconomy University Alliance (EBU), welcomes all interest parties to Vienna, Austria for the European …
We are pleased to inform you that registration is now open to the ALL-Ready and AE4EU joint final conference “Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures in Europe–experiences from ALL-Ready & AE4EU”. The ÖMKI – BIOEAST AGroecology TWG coordinator is a …
The NCBR Office in Brussels – Business & Science Poland, the Slovenian Business & Research Association, Lithuanian RDI Liaison Office in Brussels (LINO), the European Office of Cyprus – Brussels Office,Eötvös Loránd University and the …
The EU Council in Agriculture and Fisheries set approved Council Conclusions on the opportunities of the bioeconomy for rural areas in the light of current challenges. Among others, it recognizes the value of the BIOEAST …
The Joint Research Center in its ISPRA site organized the third workshop in a series focusing on the follow-up implementation of the report on Foresight Scenarios for the EU bioeconomy in 2050. The workshop focused …
The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), as the current chair of the European Bioeconomy University Alliance (EBU), welcomes all interested parties to Vienna, Austria for the European Bioeconomy Scientific Forum 2023 …
DG AGRI is organising the 2023 EU AGRI Research Conference from 31 May to 1 June 2023. Dóra Drexler, coordinator of the Agroecological Thematic Working Group, will participate in the panel discussion “Research and innovation …
The map has been made by the Agroecology Thematic Working Group (TWG) of the BIOEAST Initiative which aims to mobilise member Ministries and research institutions from eleven Central Eastern European and Baltic countries (Slovakia, Poland, …
BIOEAST HUB CR Team is involved in several new projects oriented on bioeconomy that can advance upon the outcomes of the BIOEASTsUP project.Primarily three of them the ShapingBIO, BIOGOVNet and RuralBIOUP are closely related with …
With the support of the BIOEASTsUP project, the National Bioeconomy Concept papers of 11 Member States have been produced. The 11 papers were presented at the BIOEAST Congress, which took place on 14-15 March. These …
On 15-16 March 2023 in Warsaw during a high level, BIOEAST Congress was presented a macro-regional strategic research and innovation agenda and eleven national concept papers for bioeconomy strategies. The agenda sets common priorities on …
CLEVERFOOD project was launched on January 2023, and the project’s kick off meeting took place on 20-22 February 2023, in Lisbon. CLEVERFOOD will facilitate a society-wide mobilisation of European citizens, to transform the European food …
The BIOEAST Initiative fully acknowledges the importance of fresh water in production value chains of the countries located in the BIOEAST macro-region a dedicate Thematic working group (TWG) was established. With the support of the …
As the BIOEAST Foresight identified lack of education in bioeconomy the BIOEAST Initiative established a dedicated horizontal Thematic Working Group Bioeconomy Education.Panel discussion of the BIOEAST macro regional Thematic working group focused on Bioeconomy Education …
The Central-Eastern European Initiative for Knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry in the Bioeconomy (BIOEAST) launches a comprehensive Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).Through this Initiative, the 11 countries have set a vision for 2030 to …
The very first annual forum dedicated to the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters took place in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium on Friday 17th February. Location indeed creates atmosphere, and the …
The high level international BIOEAST Congress is organised in the framework of the BIOEAST Initiative and under the auspices of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with the support of the Horizon 2020 …
A new bioeconomy project, RuralBioUP, has been launched, in which the BIOEAST countries are represented, thanks to the Latvian State Institute of Forestry “Silava”.Launched on 1 October 2022, the project aims at scaling up and …
BIOEAST Board and its thematic working group initiated the BIOEAST University Network that was established in Prague on 8th December 2022 on the international conference Bioeconomy education A BIOEAST perspective when six universities from Central …
A successful high-level international conference was organised in Prague during the Czech EU Presidency on the 7th of December 2022. The highlevel representatives of minsitries from the Danube Region countries were assured by the European Commission’s representatives that …
The BIOEASTsUP project partner meeting was held in Sofia, between 16-18 November 2022 to discuss the remaining tasks before the end of the project in March 2023. The discussion revolved around the following main topics: …
The seven BIOEAST Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) each produced their own brochures about their current activities and future vision to increase their visibility for a wide spectrum of stakeholders within and outside of the Initiative. …
The BIOEAST Vision for 2030 paves the way for a comprehensive macro-regional Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Within the frame of the BIOEASTsUP project, a draft BIOEAST SRIA has been developed during the past …
An international conference „Bioeconomy Policy, Actors, and Transformations: Achievements, Challenges, and Recommendations”, hosted by the Agricultural and Food Policy Group is taking place at Humboldt-Universität Berlin between 22-23 February 2023. The conference marks the …
To efficiently support the expansion of the sustainable circular bioeconomy, to involve and inspire stakeholders to get engaged in bioeconomy education the BIOEAST macro-region and to launch the BIOEAST Network of Central and Eastern European …
The aim of the conference is to increase awareness and connect all relevant policy makers to discuss a common approach and concrete action, to enhance the engagement in the EU Mission to Restore our Ocean …
With the establishment of the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), the European Commission, along with the Bio-based Industries Consortium, pledged their continued support to the development of the bioeconomy in the European Research …
Workshop designed to connect EU projects focused on bioeconomy was organised by the EuBioNet together with several running projects – Transition2Bio, BIOgovNet, BIObec and BIOEASTsUP. The workshop enabled excellent opportunity for project teams to learn …
The XXXVII EURAGRI Conference was held as online event at the Institute of Food and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS), Novi Sad, Serbia, 4-5 October 2022. Please download the programme here Please find the conference presentations below: Key-note …
Conference dedicated to the Progress Report of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy took place on 6th & 7th October 2022. A clear support for the BIOEAST macro region was clearly articulated. Knowledge and skills as drivers …
High level panel discussion focused on working together with Member States, regional networks and key stakeholders dedicated to the new EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters: a lighthouse for the Danube river was organised …
Representatives from the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture participated at the Kick-off meeting of the newly founded Green ERA-Hub, held on 15-16 September 2022 in Ghent, Belgium. The Green ERA-Hub (GEH) is a Horizon Europe CSA …
In the framework of the BIOEASTsUP project, three sub-regional workshops will be organised to validate the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) document produced under the project. The BIOEAST Vision for 2030 paves the way …
The Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) has published its first call for project proposals. A total of €120 million will be dedicated to advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe across 12 topics. …
On the eve (on 30th of June) of the start of the Czech Republic’s second presidency of the European Union, the Charter of the European Mission “Restoring our oceans and waters by 2030” was presented …
The latest meeting of the seven thematic working groups of the BIOEAST Initiative (agroecology, food, forestry, bioenergy, bio-based materials, bioeconomy education, bioeconomy freshwater) took place in Ljubljana on 12-13 May, organised by the Slovenian Ministry …
A series of thematic studies are published in the seven areas of the BIOEAST Thematic Working Groups. The aim of the thematic studies is to make a deep analysis on areas and specific needs identified …
Barna Kovács made a presentation on the 2nd workshop “Promoting education, training and skills across the EU bioeconomy” organised online by Deloitte, Empirica and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini together with the European Commission’s DG Research & …
A webinar on the opportunities of the 6th Cluster of Horizon Europe and the Circular Biobased Europe Partnership (CBE JU) was held on 28 April with more than 110 participants, where among others the Bio-based …
In Vukovar-Srijem Countys’ Competence Centre, Forest and wood value chain workshop was held on 6th of April 2022. Workshop was organised by Vukovar-Srijem Countys’ Competence Centre and ROSEWOOD4.0 (Horizon2020), GoDanuBio (INTERREG V-B Danube 2014-2020) and …
Following the pathway of our previous successful webinar on 15 November 2021, the BIOEAST Initiative and the BIOEASTsUP project organizes a webinar on „Mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the Central and Eastern European countries”. …
Transition2Bio is organizing a capacity building on “How to raise awareness and communicate the Bioeconomy”, which will take place next 6-7 April from 09:30 to 12:30 am. The capacity building is organized in collaboration with the EuBioNet and the …
The Agroecology Thematic Working Group (TWG) of the BIOEAST Initiative aims to mobilise member Ministries and research institutions from eleven Central Eastern European and Baltic countries (Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, …
EU CORDIS journalists recently reported on BIOEASTsUP project based on public information available on the internet. In addition to the BIOEAST objectives, the EU Cordis News article details the process of the Foresight Exercise carried …
BIOEASTsUP projects support the enhancement of bioeconomy in the BIOEAST macro region and strengthen the cooperation between policy makers, academia and industry. The COOPID project supports the development of stronger bioeconomy business models within the European primary …
The European Commission has announced the EU Missions Information Day, which will take place on 18-19 January 2022 for all researchers, innovators and all stakeholders. The event aims to inform potential applicants about the new …
The Commission has published the amendment to the Horizon Europe work programme for 2021-2022, increasing the total budget to €15.4 billion: that is an increase of €723 million. The new budget of the Horizon Europe …
The knowledge accumulated in the BIOEASTsUP project has been applied to the scientific maturity of the consortium partners.Since the start of the project, several scientific articles have been published, but now five of them by BIOEASTsUP experts …
A peer review organised by the BIOEASTsUP project presented three case studies from Greece, Ireland, and Slovenia in an on-line webinar on 8th December. Representatives of Citrion, an entrepreneurial non-profit, PhytoTowel, a bioeconomy-oriented start-up, and …
The 8th EU Agricultural Outlook Conference organised on 9-10 December 2021 with the theme: „FIT FOR 2030 Resilient EU agri-food systems and rural areas” The annual event is organized with the participation of stakeholders representing …
Deloitte, Empirica and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) are conducting a study together with the European Commission DG for Research & Innovation (DG RTD) on Promoting education, training and skills across the bioeconomy focused on the …
Enterprises oriented towards the conversion of bio-based materials to utilizable products and services are at the heart of bioeconomy, and provide a fresh alternative to the fossil-based economic approach. This event will show-case start-ups and …
Five years ago, the Visegrad Four launched the BIOEAST Initiative, which aims to develop a knowledge-based agricultural economy in a sustainable biomass-based economy. Eleven countries from the Baltic to the Balkans are now members of …
Workshop focused on boosting regional bioeconomy uptake through education and engagement was organised on the 4 November 2021 as a side event of the 19th European Week on Regions and Cities in conjunction with Committee …
The BIOEASTsUP Project invites you to become a member of the BIOEAST Stakeholder platform. The Platform provides an opportunity for cooperation and networking among the regional stakeholders and institutions in various domains of the bioeconomy. …
The Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture is launching a film competition (in Hungarian) for those interested in the bioeconomy and sustainability to visualise the possible futures developed in the BIOEAST Foresight Exercise, presented on 27 September …
Bioeconomy Education has been a key issue on the European Strategy for Bioeconomy from the very beginning. In both Strategy documents (2012 and 2018) the issue appears as a key priority for Europe. The Bioeconomy Stakeholders Manifesto issued …
The BIOEASTsUP project has launched open calls for research development thematic studies on 7 specific domains: agroecology, advanced biobased material, bioenergy, bioeconomy education, food system and freshwater based bioeconomy and forestry. By the deadline, a …
Newly formed Advanced Bio-based Chemical Thematic Working Group has held its hybrid kick off meeting on 8th October 2021, in Budapest. Sixteen researchers from the whole BIOEAST region gathered to define the mission and goals …
The third and fourth peer reviews were organised jointly in the on-line version to discuss Hungarian and Bulgarian good practice of the Technology transfer. The presentations were selected to illustrate the support for technology transfer …
The Bioeconomy Policy Support Facility Expert Group Dissemination Event was attended with great interest and an active and lively discussion. The aim of the Bioeconomy Policy Support Facility has been to assist Member States in …
Transition2BIO H2020 project is inviting you to participate to the Mobilization and Mutual Learning (MML) Workshop ‘Toward the green transition: Boosting regional bioeconomy uptake through education and engagement’ which takes place on the 4th of November 2021 at …
The BIOEAST Initiative under the patronage of the Hungarian Visegrad Group Presidency organises a workshop and panel discussion on funding opportunities through financial instruments on 15 November 2021. The aim of the workshop is to …