Update about activities of the National platforms for bioeconomy strategy development in the BIOEAST countries

Supported by the BIOEASTsUP project the 11 BIOEAST member countries have established national platforms aiming to facilitate the transformation to sustainable circular bioeconomy. These platforms consist of inter-ministerial groups (BAIMG) setting the priorities for the …

In November, Estonian University of Life Sciences hosted a wood makeathon that sough ways how to better valorize wood.

The fourth Garage48 Wood makeathon was organized in November 2020, in Tartu, Estonia. The aim of the makeathon was to develop prototypes of innovative solutions focused on architecture, wood processing and forestry in Estonia towards efficiency and climate …

It is a great honor for the BIOEASTsUP project to be included in the CZELO brochure as a successful V4 project

The Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation (CZELO) in cooperation with the Brussels Office of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (NRDIO), the Polish Science Contact Agency of the Polish …